Hello Friends, Day by Day Twitter is growing and tats why so many new Desktop and Web Application available for Twitter for different purposes. Today i found one website or web application which is showing you TweetPals and their tweets exists near by your location for e.g I am living in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India So when I open that website then it is automatically sets my location and then shows me Tweetpals and Their tweets. If it not sets your location automatically then select you can select your location by clicking on map and then found TweetPals and Their tweets who are exists near by that location.Also it automaticallly refresh and get new tweets by people exists nearby you.
NearByTweets.com is the website from where we can find people who are tweeting near by our location, Also this website provides to set location on Map by clicking Link exists on location. Also this website provide facility to choose topic by which you can find tweets and interested TweetPals who are intrested in that topics exists near you.

We can also use our Twitter account on this site. It saves all recent location , recent keywords, Blocked locations, Block people for search criteria. Also we can set default refresh timer in preferences menu.