Hello Friends, Apple has recently launched its iPad and these days iPad is very famous on web, So I think there are so many people who must be intrested to test their websites on iPad that how their site will look on iPad, How their website work on iPad, is there anything wrong with your website on iPad? So you can check your website and its functionality by iPad Peek.
iPad Peek is the website by which you can check your website in iPad. You have to just open iPad Peek. You will see that this site will show you a iPad having browser opened already in it, So just enter your website URL in address bar and then press enter, It will open your website in that iPad.
iPadPeek Have some features also explained below :
– Click on the top iPad border to rotate it to portrait and regular screen.
– Flash is not going to work on iPad, even though you might see it working here.
– You can preload a page or set portrait mode by passing using URL parameters, like this: http://ipadpeek.com/?url=hackingethics.com&portrait.
– Reload button on the iPad address bar is working.
– Pages in portrait mode are scaled to 75% using CSS3 transformations, which work best in Firefox 3.5+, Chromium 5+ and Opera 10.5+ at the moment.
Below are screenshot of iPad from iPadPeek and how Hacking Ethics looking in iPad.